Tuesday, January 17, 2012

I am Going To New York

I am going to New York for 29 months! for god sake... 29 months?? Seriously??? Hahahaha....Punya la bah aku terasa lucu. Sempena breast cancer awareness aku telah buat status dalam Facebook ku yang mengatakan... "I AM GOING TO NEW YORK FOR 29 MONTHS". Bulih-bulih ada juga orang yang percaya bah aku mau ke New York for 29 months??? You gotta be kidding me! for 29 months?? 29 hari pun aku berpikir ooo mau kasi tinggal rumah dan kucingku. Hahaha... Siok juga mengasi teka-teka orang ni kan rupanya. Hahaha... Ndak pulak kusangka ada yang picaya. Lebih-lebih lagi aku bagi tau orang bahawa aku ikut lakiku ke NY pasal lakiku dapat projek/Tender mereka dan membina bangunan World Trade Centre. Hahahaha... Lucu betul kurasa. Itu ampai-ampai aku bergurau tapi orang masih picayakah??? Kasian dehh loh Hou Guan Siou. Hahaha... Jan ko marah ya sana...

Ini bah tu sebenarnya:

Pls read and post @ ur fb :D ladies, it is that time of year again...support of breast cancer awareness! So we all remember last year's game of writing your bra color as your status? Or the way we like to have our handbag handy? Last year, so many people took part that it made national news... and the constant updating of status reminded everyone why we're doing this and helped raise awareness! ♥♥

Do NOT tell any males what the statuses mean...keep them guessing!! And please copy and paste (in a message) this to all your female friends.:x The idea is to choose the month you were born and the day you were born. Pass this on to the GIRLS ONLY and let's see how far it reaches around. The last one about the bra went around all over the world.

Your status should say "I am going to Mexico for 21 months." The day you were born should be how many months you are gone.;;)

January - Mexico

February - London

March - Miami

April - Dominican Republic

May - France

June - St Petersburg

July - Austria

August - Germany

September - New York (My birthday month)

October - Amsterdam

November - Las Vegas

December - Columbia

Do it don't be a spoil sport and show ur awareness for Breast Cancer;;)...

Nahhh sekarang macam mana?? Faham sudah kah kamu? Bah apa lagi? Yang ladies tu... sila la beri sokongan dan buat status kamu di FB tue... (tapi ini bukan satu paksaan ya). Kita tengok siapa yang kenaaaa. Hahaha...